Gladwev unveils its new product - OLM to PST Converter
“The distinguished company, Gladwev Softwares, unveils its latest invention- Mac OLM to PST Converter Pro and declares it to be the most hi-tech conversion tool for the designated task.”
Gladwev Software has unveiled its new and the most demanded application, the OLM to PST Converter Pro which is said to be the only such tool till date that can run directly on your Mac device. According to the adept and ambidextrous software engineers of the company, the application is a boon for those group of people who wish to have a change in terms of the system they have been using and want to move on to Windows Outlook rather than using Mac Outlook.
The company discussed different ways of carrying out such conversions and mentioned that such an OLM to PST Conversion can be carried out in broadly two ways. The first one is the manual method of converting OLM files to PST and the next is doing so using a conversion tool.
“The exporting of OLM files to PST format using the manual method is by creating an IMAP account and then transferring all your folders and desired files from OLM to PST which is a difficult task for the hoi polloi and thus an easier, cheaper and safer way to continue with the task is the use of a conversion toolkit, more of, a good conversion tool that could help you in carrying out a perfect conversion”, says the company’s manager, “And when you are ready to transfer all your data files and folders from Mac Outlook to Windows PST, we have brought a good news for you in the form of the best and the most demanded conversion toolkit that can transfer millions of OLM files to PST format within no time.”
The utility tool has been declared to be worth US $ 39 and this price also extends up to US $799. The OLM to PST Conversion tool is meant to bridge the gaps between the Mac Outlook and the Windows Outlook and allow the viewing of Mac Outlook data and mails on the Windows platform.
“Technological advancements have made a move today in standardizing all the available applications and softwares. When the Windows Outlook was abandoned for the sake of Mac Outlook, it was not felt that after only a short time, Windows Outlook will gain even more popularity. Slowly and steadily as it happened, the need to carry the OLM files to pst Windows Outlook was felt and numerous software providers designed their own tools. We too, designed it for ourselves and we have worked with it finding it a thing which needs to be shared”, says the Gladwev team.
The company’s owner made another remark saying “The latest series of the Mac Conversion tools the company has been developing will help them make a stand in the global market which will consequently bring them close to the Mac and Windows users and provide them an auspicious opportunity to serve the Mac user needs.”
Besides, a free trial version has also been declared by the company for its customers which will allow the customers to convert 10 mails from each folder of OLM files into PST format.